Nestle Drops Big Money on Starbucks Venture — As It Matters
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Nestle Drops Big Money on Starbucks Venture

Nestle Drops Big Money on Starbucks Venture

Nestle pays $7.2 billion to sell Starbucks coffee. Let's put this into perspective:

Clarification here, Nestle is NOT buying Starbucks. They are paying for the right to sell it. They are paying for the right to pair it with a new marketing scheme. It's amazing what people will pay for these days. I don't feel any way about this. There could be other things done with that amount of money other than selling coffee. How about saving a 3rd world country, sponsoring a new venture into space exploration, or paying more than $1 to the African Americans who were disrespected in an actual Starbucks. There is so much money being passed around these days. We’re NOT anti-Starbucks. NOT anti-big business. I'd like to think we, here at AIM, are pro-logic. (Not the rapper, although he's dope in his own right. We're talking about the reasoning. Duh.)



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